RELEASED: Class 1A Statewide Rankings

461 has published the most respected Texas high school girls basketball rankings since 2020 and continues to serve the sport with up-to-date rankings weekly at 10 a.m. every Monday. Rankings are compiled by the staff.

Class 1A

  1. Nazareth
  2. Neches
  3. Irion County
  4. Veribest
  5. Turkey Valley
  6. Slidell
  7. Gorman
  8. Rocksprings
  9. Eula
  10. Borden County
  11. Moulton
  12. Hermleigh
  13. Gordon
  14. Whiteface
  15. Throckmorton
  16. Westbrook
  17. Jayton
  18. D’Hanis
  19. Eden
  20. Huckabay
  21. Aquilla
  22. McLean
  23. Dodd City
  24. Harrold
  25. Saltillo